a cartoon character holding a suitcase and wearing a hat
a monkey wearing a purple hat and a red shirt
a drawing of a man wearing a hat and sunglasses
a monkey wearing a yellow jacket and a blue hat

Has joined the club

Community first cards second

Devilfish Poker

Devilfish Poker
Devilfish Poker

Web3 Poker’s winning formula Join Us for weekly free to play games

In tournament plays
In prize giveaways
a picture of a cartoon character with big eyes
a cartoon of a man wearing a cowboy hat
a drawing of a cartoon character wearing sunglasses
a cartoon character with a skull on his forehead

Poker Tournaments Partners

a drawing of a slotty face in a circle
Casual Sloths
a black circle with yellow and white symbols
Capped Range
Logo Evarai
a black and white skull with a crown on it
Japanese Born Ape Society
a purple and blue circular with the word gac on it
Gaming Ape Club
a drawing of a person sitting in front of a fire
Fortune Friends Club
a cartoon mouse with a yellow background
Logo Honest one
Honest Ones
Logo eat
Eat Collective
a black and white picture of a flower in a circle
Children Of Ukiyo
a red and white circle with the letter a in it
a black background with an egg and the words ordinary eggs
Ordinal Eggs
Logo VS
a wizard in front of a firework background
Generative Dungeon
A cartoon cow wearing sunglasses and a pink dress.
Moonie Moo
Logo H
a black and white photo of a logo
a pixel art picture of a cat with a hammer
The Underdogs
the letter z is in the middle of a sphere
a black and white photo of a square object
a drawing of a slotty face in a circle
Casual Sloths
a black circle with yellow and white symbols
Capped Range
Logo Evarai
a black and white skull with a crown on it
Japanese Born Ape Society
a purple and blue circular with the word gac on it
Gaming Ape Club
a drawing of a person sitting in front of a fire
Fortune Friends Club
a cartoon mouse with a yellow background
Logo Honest one
Honest Ones
Logo eat
Eat Collective
a black and white picture of a flower in a circle
Children Of Ukiyo
a red and white circle with the letter a in it
a black background with an egg and the words ordinary eggs
Ordinal Eggs
Logo VS
a wizard in front of a firework background
Generative Dungeon
A cartoon cow wearing sunglasses and a pink dress.
Moonie Moo
Logo H
a black and white photo of a logo
a pixel art picture of a cat with a hammer
The Underdogs
the letter z is in the middle of a sphere
a black and white photo of a square object

How to play

Devilfish Poker is an NFT project which focuses on poker players invovled in WEB3. By purchasing one of our Genesis NFTs you get access to our exclusive Poker Club and have the opportunity to enter 80+ tournaments with cash prizes available.  With over 1000 + traits and the ability to customise your NFTs in the future we give you the opportunity to create the perfect table identity.  To play in FREE TOURNAMENTS leading up to our upcoming mint day.

a cartoon of a man wearing a cowboy hat

We are changing the way you play Poker

Based on a poker legend Dave Ulliot
We've been running WEB3 tournaments for 1 year+

Icon Check

No more paying to enter individual tournaments

Icon Check

Take ownership of your avatars

Icon Check

Earn every time you play

Icon Check

No more lack of trust between players and company

a man and a woman posing for a picture
a man sitting at a table playing a game of cards
a man in a suit and tie smoking a cigarette
a picture of a man in a suit and tie
a man sitting at a table with chips in front of him

Be a part of our active community in the space

a group of cartoon characters playing a game of poker

About us

We are the future of poker. Playing with us will become a seamless experience. Having access to all our tournaments and our community will lead to lots of available prizes for everyone. The best players will be recognised and as we progress through our post mint journey, we will look to integrate our own poker platform with our NFTs, along with our own marketplace. This means you will be entering the whole Devilfish Ecosytem, and as you play more, your Devilfish NFT will become more valuable. Playing data initially will be recorded on our database but eventually it will be automatic and on your player profile. The more you play, the more you will be rewarded once our marketplace is open for purchasable skins. We hope you like the vision and to have more regular updates, join the discord.

The Club

Step into DevilFish Poker, where we’re not just shuffling cards; we’re curating a culture that’s the life of the poker party. It’s not just about the game; it’s about embracing a vibrant, dynamic atmosphere where the community is at the heart of every hand.

a cartoon character with a crown on his head
a picture of a cartoon character with a devilish face
a card with a cartoon character on it
a cartoon avatar of a man with blue eyes
a cartoon character with a crown on his head
a picture of a cartoon character with a devilish face
a card with a cartoon character on it
a cartoon avatar of a man with blue eyes

Meet The Team

a cartoon of a man with a blue face
Founder & Business Development
a cartoon of a man with a blue face
Founder & Marketing & Strategy
a cartoon of a man in a suit and tie
Jamie Toulson
Poker Expert Gibraltar
a man with glasses and a beard
Legal Expert
a drawing of a man wearing a hat and glasses
Head Moderator
a drawing of a man in a red sweater
Jason St.Paul
Art Direction